

pysteps.noise.fftgenerators.generate_noise_2d_ssft_filter(F, randstate=None, seed=None, **kwargs)

Function to compute the locally correlated noise using a nested approach.

F: array-like

A filter object returned by pysteps.noise.fftgenerators.initialize_nonparam_2d_ssft_filter() or pysteps.noise.fftgenerators.initialize_nonparam_2d_nested_filter(). The filter is a four-dimensional array containing the 2d fourier filters distributed over a 2d spatial grid.

randstate: mtrand.RandomState

Optional random generator to use. If set to None, use numpy.random.

seed: int

Value to set a seed for the generator. None will not set the seed.

N: array-like

A two-dimensional numpy array of non-stationary correlated noise.

Other Parameters
overlap: float

Percentage overlap [0-1] between successive windows (default 0.2).

win_fun: {‘hann’, ‘tukey’, None}

Optional tapering function to be applied to the input field, generated with pysteps.utils.tapering.compute_window_function() (default ‘tukey’).

fft_method: str or tuple

A string or a (function,kwargs) tuple defining the FFT method to use (see “FFT methods” in pysteps.utils.interface.get_method()). Defaults to “numpy”.