

pysteps.utils.transformation.NQ_transform(R, metadata=None, inverse=False, **kwargs)

The normal quantile transformation as in Bogner et al (2012). Zero rain vales are set to zero in norm space.

R: array-like

Array of any shape to be transformed.

metadata: dict, optional

Metadata dictionary containing the transform, zerovalue and threshold attributes as described in the documentation of

inverse: bool, optional

If set to True, it performs the inverse transform. False by default.

R: array-like

Array of any shape containing the (back-)transformed units.

metadata: dict

The metadata with updated attributes.

Other Parameters
a: float, optional

The offset fraction to be used for plotting positions; typically in (0,1). The default is 0., that is, it spaces the points evenly in the uniform distribution.


Bogner, K., Pappenberger, F., and Cloke, H. L.: Technical Note: The normal quantile transformation and its application in a flood forecasting system, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 1085-1094,, 2012.