

pysteps.visualization.spectral.plot_spectrum1d(fft_freq, fft_power, x_units=None, y_units=None, wavelength_ticks=None, color='k', lw=1.0, label=None, ax=None, **kwargs)

Function to plot in log-log a radially averaged Fourier spectrum.

fft_freq: array-like

1d array containing the Fourier frequencies computed with the function pysteps.utils.spectral.rapsd().

fft_power: array-like

1d array containing the radially averaged Fourier power spectrum computed with the function pysteps.utils.spectral.rapsd().

x_units: str, optional

Units of the X variable (distance, e.g. “km”).

y_units: str, optional

Units of the Y variable (amplitude, e.g. “dBR”).

wavelength_ticks: array-like, optional

List of wavelengths where to show xticklabels.

color: str, optional

Line color.

lw: float, optional

Line width.

label: str, optional

Label (for legend).

ax: Axes, optional

Plot axes.

ax: Axes

Plot axes